Luka Parac
4 min readJan 11, 2021


Why IBM’s Center for Cloud Training might be the best thing that has happened for your career in 2020 (and beyond)?

2020 was a challenging year for the whole world and we as individuals have also been coping with the “new normal” as best as we could; every single one of us in his or her unique way. What most of us quickly realized is that the best way to navigate through this unfortunate pandemic is to let go of things that are outside of our control.

MEETINGS IN 2020 (SCREENSHOT taken from the video I produced for IBM Cloud Center for Training)

After dealing with initial confusion that was mixed with strong feelings of powerlessness, I quickly started to shift my attention to aspects of life that were still under my control. In my case, this meant growing my freelance business, acquiring new skills, and working on personal branding. To be fair, the choice was easy for me as I was already working from home since late 2015.

With all that being said, I quickly went all-in and decided to make the best of 2020 and use it to accelerate my career. If I look back at dozens of projects that I had worked on this year, there’s one that stood out from the very beginning and there’s a very good reason for that.

CHILD INNOVATOR (SCREENSHOT taken from the video I produced for IBM Cloud Center for Training)

You see, this project of producing videos for IBM was an embodiment of everything good that has happened in what was generally a very difficult year. The experience of learning about IBM’s Center for Cloud Training throughout this project was not only priceless for me, it was also eye-opening.

You can assume that my initial knowledge about Cloud Computing in general was very basic and limited. This comes as no surprise as I’m a Visual Content Producer. However, what immediately caught my attention was the simplicity and clear value that these newly introduced Cloud Training Certifications and Learning paths offered. Even for a total layman when it comes to Cloud, just like myself!

IBM Center for Cloud Training is open for everyone and it opened its doors in the best possible moment. Why is that? Well, the world is currently going through a rapid digital transformation that is followed by an accelerated Cloud adoption across all industries. At first glance, the terms “rapid” and “accelerated” might appear just as some fancy words with no true meaning or facts to back them up. However, this would be very far from the truth! I was stunned when I recently learned that 2 years’ worth of digital transformation has been concentrated into the past few months…

THE FUTURE IS NOW (SCREENSHOT taken from the video I produced for IBM Cloud Center for Training)

But why are all these trends relevant, even for people that are not in the Cloud industry? What does all of this mean to you and me, for example? Well, it means that the Cloud is creating hot jobs, exciting career paths, and that there’s an increasing demand for people that have specific skills required to perform in those high paying Cloud positions. And that’s exactly why IBM Center for Cloud Training was launched.

It’s a single source for introductory, role-based, and product-based training and certification for IBM Cloud. So, even if you don’t work in a cloud role today, you’re invited to use the IBM Center for Cloud Training. And what came as a pleasant surprise to me is the fact that IBM showed true intent to go beyond nice words and open invitations by making introductory courses completely free! Yup, this means that anyone (including you and me) can visit IBM’s Center for Cloud Training website right now and sign up for these 100% digital and free introductory Cloud courses.

Easy-to-follow learning paths with hands-on exercises will guide you to industry-standard certifications you need, allowing you to grow your career or learn more about IBM’s Cloud portfolio.

So, whether you are seeking employment or elevating your level of expertise in your current role, certifications give you the credentials in IBM Cloud. These credentials signal to the marketplace that you are certified to support the digital transformation journey so many companies are embarking upon!

EMBARKING UPON THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY (SCREENSHOT taken from the video I produced for IBM Cloud Center for Training)

And really, businesses that endure and complete this journey are the ones that will survive and come out on top as winners. It’s up to you now to decide if you want to join them and support them on their journey to success. After all, everyone loves to be on the winning team, right?

YOUR CLOUD TRAINING STARTS HERE (SCREENSHOT taken from the video I produced for IBM Cloud Center for Training)

Visit to get started with your Cloud training.

